Challenged by Fate (All-Seeing-Eye Book 2) Page 2
“Yep, a big nasty one attacked me!”
Shaking her head and laughing, Avery helped her stand up. The guys all had confused looks on their faces.
“Love, what happened?” Aiden asked as his eyes went back to their normal stunning Caribbean blue.
“Are you okay, Sugar?” Ariana smiled at the nickname Jay always called her. They each had their own for her. Gray had just settled on Angel before he was taken. Her heart squeezed in her chest and she shook her head to dispel the thoughts trying to take over.
Blowing out a breath and taking the towel Avery casually handed her, Ariana smiled sheepishly. “Uh… yeah I’m fine. Sorry about that. Nothing to see here. Move along.” She tried to shoo them out.
“Ari-lass, why did you scream?”
“Uh…” Before she could think of a good reply, her daughter piped up as she walked out of the room.
“Haven’t you noticed yet, Dad? Mom’s completely terrified of spiders. It’s funny, the way she screams and scurries to get away. Usually tripping over something in the process.”
“Avery!” Ariana yelled after her as all her guys chuckled. Glaring at them, she wrapped the towel around herself and pushed her way through the guys.
“Baby Doll, you forgot to turn the water off!” Mateo yelled after her.
“No I didn’t!” She could hear the laughter as she got dressed and took Zoey from Easton. Falling back on the bed carefully, Ariana played with Zoey while the guys sat around her room and watched. All had loving smiles on their faces. She knew they were waiting for her to start the conversation about Gray. She just couldn’t yet, not until she had some semblance of a plan.
“One, two, tree, four, fives, sis, seben, nine, ten!” Zoey started counting and clapping.
“That’s right! Way to go baby girl!” Mateo rushed up and snatched Zoey off the bed lifting her high and spinning her around making her squeal in laughter.
Ariana marveled at her guys who had become fathers to her girls. Mateo with his Asian good looks. He was six feet of rigid muscles with a tribal tattoo that wrapped around his left bicep. It was usually on display with his tight white t-shirts that he wore with his black leather pants. His hair was so black it seemed to swallow the light and yet it still shined, calling attention to his classically handsome face. Wide set, almond shaped moss green eyes, narrow nose that widened at the bottom slightly, sculpted cheekbones and full kissable lips. His square jaw completed the rugged look he had. But the kicker was his hair. Cropped close on the sides with the top long enough for him to pull into a short ponytail at the back. Mateo was a master of the martial arts just like Ariana and she loved sparring with him. He was a good partner, tough and determined.
Jayden high fived Zoey as she giggled and started counting again. It was her new favorite thing and she would count to ten at least thirty times a day. Jayden was 6’3 of toned lean muscle with white blond hair that he kept short and spiky on top and even shorter on the sides. His beard was slightly longer than a five o’clock shadow and had hints of brown with the blond. With his ice blue eyes and long narrow nose, wide full lips and rugged jawline, he was sex on a stick. He wore his usual dark jeans with a grey button down shirt today, he had left the first two buttons undone, showing just a hint of his smooth chest. Ariana blushed as he caught her looking and she remember the night she had walked in on him masturbating. That had led to them pleasuring themselves in front of one another, it was the hottest thing she had ever done with a man. Ariana couldn’t wait to take the next step. As her body heated up, Jayden’s nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. She knew he could smell her arousal and she quickly averted her eyes.
Looking at Aiden as he sat and talked quietly to Avery, her heart swelled with love for all of them. Aiden was the Captain of their unit. Ariana chuckled to herself thinking of the tough time Avery and Zoey were going to have with guys when they grew up. Having six dads that were the S.W.A.T team of the paranormal special forces unit? It would take men with some balls to stick around and fight that. Aiden was such a contrast to her. He was a grade A asshole when he felt it was needed but then he turned into the biggest softy around their girls. Standing at 6’1 he towered over both girls. They weren’t afraid of him, he didn’t know it but both girls had him wrapped around their fingers. His eyes were a cerulean blue that could either be as cold as the winter or as warm as the summer. His nose was slightly bigger but perfect for his face. He had a permanent five o'clock shadow that surrounded his mouth. His bottom lip was slightly fuller than the top, giving him an almost constant pouty look. He had a slight dimple in his chin and one in his cheek when he smiled. The three piece suits that he favored showed off his toned and tanned muscles to perfection. He really was a living sex ad.
Ariana sighed and glanced at Easton, who was watching her as he leaned on the wall by the door. His arms were crossed and his biceps bulged. He was leaner than the others but still muscular. His shock of blue hair that he kept short on the sides and swept up the bangs, giving him a stylish yet casual look. His black rimmed glasses sat on his slightly large nose, but didn’t take away from his sexy as a fallen angel looks. At only twenty-three and British, Easton was the genius of the group. He was the one the others went to for advice or he acted as a referee when the group had fights. Easton had his PhD in psychology and was a Light Mage. His magic could heal others but not himself. She was in awe of how smart and sexy he was.
As she continued to look around the room her heart broke inside her chest again. They were all acting normal for the kids, if the kids saw or felt them upset then they would be too. They needed to be a strong united front, it was so hard at times like these though. To pretend everything was fine, when one of her guys were missing. Ariana needed to talk with Alaina ASAP and she had better answer this time. Looking out the window at the late afternoon sun she hardened her resolve. That fucking bitch was not going to get away with this. Ariana clenched her hands together and swept her eyes across the room once more. Avery’s gaze locked onto hers, her head was cocked, and she had never seen her daughter look so serious.
What in the world was she up to?
Roman couldn’t believe Rowena had gotten away. They hadn’t discussed it yet but her powers had held them in check, he couldn’t move to get to Gray. He had a feeling it was the same for the others. But man…Ari-lass’s dragon was a beautiful sight to behold. Crimson red with black tipped wings and scales, she had stood at least forty feet tall. And the heat pouring off her as her flames jetted into the sky was remarkable. He was in complete awe of her. Luckily, the blast of magic she let loose only went forward like she didn’t want to hurt the house but had no such compulsion with the woods. At least six feet into the tree line all the trees were bent over.
As he watched her smile and laugh with the guys, her beauty and strength astounded him. When she turned inward and studied the guys, he knew she was thinking of Gray. Shit, he was too. He had tried to find Rowena’s magical signature that everyone leaves when they perform magic. But he found nothing. Frustration rose in him again, he was sure they were dealing with a goddess of old. But why? Why would a goddess want to harm a family line for five-hundred years? He was no closer to answers now than he was a month ago.
He glanced at Easton who met his gaze and gave a small shake of his head. Roman had to bite back a growl, he had found nothing as well. Roman was toying with the idea to call Jess in. She had to have some idea what was going on. Jess hadn’t been at the party because she was off on a job but had sent a gift. Poor Zoey, her birthday had been ruined. Looking at her now, with her hands in her hair, he was taken aback and rushed to her side.
“Hold her, Aiden. I need to see her neck.”
“What? Why? What’s wrong?” Ari stood swiftly from the bed.
“I saw something on her neck…” Roman’s words trailed off as ice slid through his veins.
Oh fuck! Shit! Piss! Dammit, this can’t be good. Ari is going to freak!
what the fuck is it?” Ariana muscled her way in between him and Zoey, looking for herself. Her skin paled even further. Roman wished he could take his actions back. He shouldn’t have been so rash and should’ve inspected it further without everyone staring.
“What is it? Someone had better start talking.” Jayden growled.
“The mark. She has the mark.” Ariana whispered before flashing out of the room.
“Where the hell did she go?” Easton glanced around, “What mark?”
Mateo made his way over and looked for himself, when he saw the mark he stumbled back, “Avery, honey, could you please go to your room for a little bit?”
Avery huffed and shook her head. “Sorry Daddy M but I can’t. I’m needed here. You’ll see; besides I already know that Zoey is marked to be a soul catcher.”
They all turned to looked at her, stunned. “What?” She asked with childlike innocence.
Roman forgot sometimes that she was only six. Avery was smart for her age, and so poised and knew things no child should ever have to know. He just wanted to bundle her up and place her in a tower so that no harm could ever come to her or her sister. But he knew that was wrong.
Roman looked closer at Avery, she had dark circles under her eyes even though they had made her take a nap not too long ago and her eyes were more serious than he had ever seen them.
“Avery Lass, how do you know this?”
She shrugged her little shoulders and scuffed her foot against the floor.
“Avery Renee?” Aiden asked sternly, squatting down to her level after giving Zoey to Mateo. “How do you know this, sweetheart?”
Roman’s heart clenched and then started racing as he saw the fierce glint in her eyes as she raised them to look at Aiden. “I know because I have walked in dreams since I was three. I know because people can’t hide in their dreams. And I know because my Shaman told me that both of us would be needed in the future. That we both had a role to play.”
Roman scratched at the back of his neck as he glanced around. How did this little six year old who should have no worries in her head, seem to have the weight of the world on her tiny shoulders? How could he protect her from dreams? How could he make sure she had a happy childhood if she was constantly walking in others dreams and learning of things she shouldn’t be.
He sighed and gathered her in his arms. “It’s okay lassie, we’ll figure this out. Please don’t worry yourself over this okay? Your mom and us will make everything okay.”
As she squeezed his neck in a fierce hug, Avery whispered in his ear, “I know Daddy R. I love you.”
Tears gathered in his eyes as he hugged her to him and rocked gently. All three of these girls had his heart and soul, but he never thought he would ever hear those words from someone let alone his child. He didn’t care that she wasn’t of his blood. She was his, theirs, and she was the light in their world.
“I love you too, Avery-lass.” Roman managed to choke out.
Before anyone could do anything else, Ari flashed back into the room with her hand clamped on Jess’s arm. Roman’s world tilted, as Ari leaned over and put her hands on her knees to breathe. Her and Jess were both covered in blood and Roman fought to breathe normally. Avery was facing away from them and didn’t need to see her mother like that. He cast his eyes to Aiden, Mateo, Easton and Jayden. What the fuck happened?
Aiden tilted his head towards the door at Roman’s back, and Mateo relayed the words, Get her the hell out of here. She doesn’t need to see this. Mateo take Zoey, we will join you in the kitchen when everyone is cleaned up.
Jayden added, I baked some cookies while Ariana was asleep. Tell them you’re going to go get some while you wait for their mom to come back.
I hate lying to them! But it’s for the best, Roman told them.
Roman said brightly, “Hey Avery-lass how about we go raid the kitchen for Jayden’s cookies while we wait for your mom to get back, huh?” He slowly started backing towards the door, Mateo hot on his heels with Zoey.
Roman flashed a look at Ari as she straightened and he said mentally, we will discuss this later Ari-lass.
Chapter Two
She watched Mateo and Roman ease out the bedroom door with her two little girls and felt guilt swamp her. She shouldn’t have flashed back to the bedroom, she should’ve flashed outside and told them to keep the girls occupied. Or at the very least cleaned up the blood before flashing back, but at the time she wasn’t thinking about it.
As soon as she saw the mark, she had flashed to Jess, her rage overflowing, and landed smack dab in the middle of a bloody fight. Jess had been tangling with some nasty demons, which had shocked Ariana to no end. Why, she had no clue, after everything she had been through, she had thought nothing would shock her at this point.
But those demons were just gross. Black horns sprouted from their head and it looked like they were covered in black tar that oozed down their bodies and pooled beneath their feet at every turn.
Jess had yelled at her but Ariana didn’t hear what she had said. Just called up her fire and started throwing it. She had noticed over the last few months that she did better with her magic when she was reacting and listening to her instincts than when she was thinking about it. Ariana had let her magic flow through her body, and she was able to conjure a flaming sword. After the battle, she gave Jess just enough time to steal their souls into her swords and then grabbed her and flashed back. She was in desperate need of a shower again, but that could wait.
Rounding on Jess, “What happens when someone gets their mark, Jess?”
Jess looked at her in confusion her chest heaving, “What mark, Ari? What the fuck are you talking about?” Jess looked around, “and where’s Gray? Is he with the girls too?”
Ariana felt tears well up in her eyes but didn’t dare to let them fall. “That bitch took him. I have no idea where and now Zoey has a mark just like yours on the back of her neck! Start talking.” Ariana was on the verge of a full blown panic attack, she needed answers and she needed them yesterday.
Ariana saw Jess pale under the blood and gore caking her face. She couldn’t stand the stench or look anymore and once again, without thinking, called on her magic and made her intention clear. Suddenly, both she and Jess were clean, almost sparkling clean, with new clothes. She may have gone a bit overboard with the cleanliness but she hated blood. She heard gasps of shock, but paid them no mind. Not taking her eyes off Jess she continued to glare at her. Willing her to speak and tell her what she needed to hear. Her heart slamming into her ribs, almost enough to cause her physical pain, she took in the look on Jess’s face and the bottom of her stomach dropped out.
“Who is the Bitch? And I need to see Zoey.”
“No! You will tell me now, what it means, and the Bitch is Rowena the twat who cursed my line in the first place. Apparently she is the Goddess of Fate or some shit like that. She grabbed Gray at the party and flashed out of here. She could be anywhere in time. I will speak to Alaina about that later, right now I need you to tell me about Zoey, Jess.” Ariana softened her voice at the end, and felt one of her guys wrap his arms around her from behind. She was proud of herself for only stiffening for a second before allowing herself to relax back into him.
Jess gave her an imploring look, “Okay, okay, it means she is marked to take over my position when she turns twenty-one. At age five they start training, usually at the Haven, where I go to get my swords. We stay there until we are of age and ready to fulfill our duties.”
Ariana’s heart threatened to explode in her chest, as chaos erupted around her. She stood as still as a statue as her guys raged.
“You will not take our daughter to some Haven. I don’t care that she’s marked. You can’t have her.” Jayden damn near shouted.
While Easton got up in Jess’s face and snarled at her, “Like hell you are taking her from us!”
Aiden was the calmest only speaking loud enough for them to hear, “Is there a way to undo the m
ark? To make it choose someone else?”
Ariana held her breath as she waited for Jess’s answer, though she had a feeling she already knew the answer. When Jess shook her head sadly, her fears were confirmed. She could not, no would not, lose her child!
“Fuck that Jess! There has to be a way around her going to the compound! I have fought too fucking hard to keep my girls away from this life. And I’ll be damned if some mark is going to rip her away from me!”
Jess flinched back from Ariana’s anger, holding up her hands. “There may be a way for her to stay here and train. But train she will Ari, there is no way around that. Only one is chosen at a time, I’ve told you this before. But let me speak to my elders and see if I can train her when the time comes. I may even be able to hold off on it for a few years after she turns five. I always thought that was a bit young to start.” Jess looked thoughtful as she whipped out her cell phone.
“Wait. You can just call them?”
Jess looked at her with amusement dancing in her eyes. “How else would I receive my assignments?”
“I don’t know. I guess I just assumed you would go back there every so often and they would give you a list. From the way you made it sound, they were archaic in my mind.”
Jess barked a laugh, “Hell no, those assholes love their tech. It’s how they monitor everything, but they still make the weapons the old fashioned way.”
Ariana turned to her guys as Jess made her call. Wishing once again that her cool and level headed fox was here. She missed Gray terribly and hoped he was okay. Her rage threatened to spill over again and with it she could feel her Dark magic rising up, thirsting for vengeance and blood. She tried to make it stop but the more she thought about Gray in the hands of that Goddess Bitch the more it threatened to consume her.
“Aiden, I need Roman.” She whispered in a shaky voice, “I can’t control it.”